Project 1  - Monument + Sensation
Project 1- Monument + Sensation
monument mon·​u·​ment | \ ˈmän-yə-mən
3a(1): lasting evidence, reminder, or example of someone or something notable or great
(2): a distinguished person
b: a memorial stone or a building erected in remembrance of a person or event
sensation sen·​sa·​tion | \ sen-ˈsā-shən
3a: a state of excited interest or feeling
b: a cause of such excitement
especially: one (such as a person) in some respect exceptional

Project Concepts:
With social media and our contemporary news reporting individuals or groups can go viral for a moment and then disappear from notice, what does it take to make a lasting versus fleeting impact?
Consider how art can memorialize individuals/ groups/ moments in history and who decides what is memorialized and in what manner.
What are alternatives to statues and monuments as memorials? Who/what should be memorialized?
Project Objectives:
The primary means of creation for this project is a rudimentary animation technique: rotoscoping.
Rotoscoping is an animation technique in which animators trace over motion picture footage, frame by frame, to produce realistic action. Originally, animators projected photographed live-action movie images onto a glass panel and traced over the image.
We will use rotoscoping to define a segment in time or space as a looping animation. Consider the structure of this work to inform what you will animate. The idea of monument and sensation may appear to operate on opposite sides of the spectrum in terms of engagement; however, how can a short looping animation appeal to both sensation and the subject's monumentalism?

Anna M._ Black Swan _2024 Spring _Dig2131C _00:37 sec 

Gabriella C._ The Skater _2024 Spring _Dig2131C _00:15 sec

Sara M.._ One More Hill To Climb _2023 Spring _Dig2131C _00:32 sec

Macy M._ The Karate Kid _2024 Spring _Dig2131C _00:32 sec

Turner T.._ Swan Song _2024 Spring _Dig2131C _00:21 sec

Rachel F._ Dream job sensation _2023 Fall _Dig2131C _00:10 sec

Jake V._ Renaissance _2023 fall _Dig2131C _00:11 sec

Jasmine H.._ The Plunge _2023 Fall _Dig2131C _00:11 sec

Scarlett D. American Psycho _2024 fall _Dig2131C _00:41 sec
Leah C._ Silver Springs_2024 Fall_Dig2131C _00:20 sec
Sophie A._ Robert_2024 Fall_Dig2132C _00:14 sec
Olivia B._ little women_2024 Fall_Dig2131C _00:30 sec
Project 2- Tropisms
tro·pism /ˈtrōˌpizəm/ noun
the turning of all or part of an organism in a particular direction in response to an external stimulus.

Project Concepts:
Consider how desire and aversion function on personal, political, and cultural levels in your life. 
Think about the differences between the three (personal, political, and cultural) and how they overlap. 
For instance, a personal or cultural desire to “be thin” becomes political when we consider where beauty standards originate (ex: BMI was established using the sample data of only white Europeans). Cultural desires for productivity and profit might be supported by political desires but clash with personal desires for rest and sustainability.
When the personal or cultural becomes political - is it possible to trace common desires/aversions back to social constructions, mainstream norms, or human nature? 

Project Objectives:
As artists we cultivate image power - for this project, you will produce a digital composite image exaggerating, challenging, and/or investigating desire and aversion through personal, political, and/or cultural tropes.
Project 3- Dis/Embodiment
embody | em·​body | im-ˈbä-dē 
1: to give a body to (a spirit) : INCARNATE
2a: to deprive of spirituality; b: to make concrete and perceptible
3: to cause to become a body or part of a body : INCORPORATE
4: to represent in human or animal form : PERSONIFY

disembody | dis·​em·​body | dis-əm-ˈbä-dē 
1: to divest of a body, of corporeal existence, or of reality

Project Concepts:
Consider the moments and spaces of embodiment and disembodiment in your own life.
Think about how these embodying or disembodying moments or spaces are universal or personal
Does embodiment come hand-in-hand with universal experience?
Is tangibility/ intangibility a distinction between embodiment and disembodiment? What else could be a distinction?
Genesis B_Left Out_2024 Fall_Digital Image _17 X 22 Inches
Scarlett D._ Head of Jasmine_2024 Fall_Digital Image _22 X 22 Inches
Jasmine H._ Head of Jasmine_2023 Fall _Digital Image _17 X 22 Inches

Rachel F._ Space_2023 Fall _Digital Image _17 X 22 Inches

Diego R._ Power_2023 Fall _Digital Image _17 X 22 Inches

Diego R._ Space_2023 Fall _Digital Image _17 X 22 Inches

Emily R._ Apples_2024 Spring _Digital Image _17 X 22 Inches

Tammy k._ Cravings_2023 Fall _Digital Image _17 X 22 Inches

Joshua R._ Waste_2024 Spring _Digital Image _17 X 22 Inches

Delaney R._ Time_2024 Spring _Digital Image _17 X 22 Inches

Macey M._ Childhood_2024 Spring _Digital Image _17 X 22 Inches

Gabriella C._ Construction mess_2024 Spring_Digital Image _17 X 22 Inches

Tammy k._Expectations_2023 Fall _Digital Image _22 X 17 Inches

Turner T_Shadow_2024 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches

Genesis B._Shadow_2024 Fall _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Leah C.._Shadow_2024 Fall Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Olivia B._Shadow_2024 Fall_Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Sophie A._Shadow_2024 Fall _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Scarlette D.._Where is the beef?_2024 Fall _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Chealse M._Embarassed_2024 Fall _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Simeone G.._The TV Never Lies_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Aiyana C._Letters_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Samantha G._2025 Spring_Video_0:04
Samantha G._2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Emma D._Seam Scheme_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Ella N._Loser_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Skylar R._Web_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Marusha G._Ocean Scape_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Marusha G._Ocean Scape_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Emma D._MAGA Series_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Emma D._MAGA Series_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Kayla D._Makowski_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Skylar R._Disembody_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Ella N._Masks_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Paulina T._P3_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Caroline M._M.I.H_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
Simeone G._Should ve stayed home_2025 Spring _Digital Image _17 x  22  Inches
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